Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Humanistic Communitarian Socialism

[Under construction. Exploring concept & link to Fromm.]

Humanistic Communitarian Socialism
-from George Boeree Erich Fromm article:

"He [Fromm] calls it humanistic communitarian socialism. That's quite a mouthful, and made up of words that aren't exactly popular in the USA, but let me explain: Humanistic means oriented towards human beings, and not towards some higher entity -- not the all-powerful State nor someone's conception of God. Communitarian means composed of small communities (Gemeinschaften, in German), as opposed to big government or corporations. Socialism means everyone is responsible for the welfare of everyone else."

(Notice the importance of freedom in Fromm's vision.)

To read:

Communitarianism Website

(More Erich Fromm)

Communitarian Capitalism

Google-Communitarian Socialism
Google-Communitarian Capitalism

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