Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Evolving Point of View

I listen to many voices,
observe from many views,

synthesize and often change my mind.
Changing one's mind (contrary to popular myth) is not a vice
but is often a necessary step out of ruin toward destiny.
It is an essential skill.

I ceaselessly endeavor to cultivate
a perpetual state of mental growth and alteration,
sometimes as a matter of survival,
often for the sheer pleasure of it.

My viewpoint therefore is organic,
sometimes troubled or errant, yet often true.
I am resolved never to throw the baby out with the bathwater:
Select the best from every perspective and assemble something new.
That is synthesis, in other words the creative process,
so I was taught long ago by an exceptionally intelligent woman.

And creation is not about right or wrong.
It works for the moment:
often a flower pollinated,
destined to whither
hopefully bear fruit
...only to become a
flower pollinated,
destined to whither

hopefully bear fruit...

I thrive on the intrigue of ambiguity, by the way,
another trait psychoanalytically cultivated.
Tolerance of ambiguity is a most vital life skill.
It promotes psychic integration, mental wholeness,
not to mention sanity.
It is also a
key to Peace on Earth
...peace wit

I am a synthesizer,
a conceptual musician or artist.
Art is in t
he eye of the beholder.
As a human being, sometimes I am a little off key.
No problem.
g is about the joy of the experience of it.
I am a spiritual existentialist.
I am also a Jungian.

I take a bird's eye view.
I see the forest with an eagle eye,
while potentially slamming into trees I am blind to.
I am holistic and configural.

I am not hierarchical in thought or personal relations.
With the help of such as Erich Fromm, Alice Miller and Karen Horney,
I have endeavored to throw off the Albatross of narcissistic motive,
a counter-cultural, counter-me-generation move.

Free in the aftermath,
I am driven by curiosity, wonder and social concern
...these days anxt.

I aspire to be independent and personally sovereign
(as much as possible),
yet lon
g to live cooperatively
enveloped in solidarity and deeply related.

And I love my people, other peoples, family, friends,
...ancestors and those yet to be born.
I love Mankind, splendid, yet tattered and torn.
I am not afraid to look into the face of demons either
...or recognize t
hem in the mirror,
another crucial life skill.
I love all animal and plant kind and others.
Being born a global nomad,
I have an appetite for the charm of diversity.

I am for biodiversity, including human biodiversity.
I am for Nature, to whom some things belong, exclusively.
Just because the bank robber can pick the lock
doesn't mean he owns the contents.
It is not nice to mess with Mother Nature!
There will be Hell to pay!

When I express my opinion,
I am well aware that it is merely my opinion.
hat's a given.
No need to remind me.
So is yours.

I think and speak in the language of Metaphor, a right brain faculty.
I am essentially a right-brainer,
h my left brain properly subdued
and at my service.
If you are very concrete you may not understand.
No problem. Close your ears. Others will listen.

I am living from a core deep within.
I am a human animal,
a complex primate,
a creation of the multifaceted God through and within me
…and everything...everyone.
From a mathematical angle, biologically I am a mongrel
Yet through
a fraction (like a facet of a prism)
the nature of the Cherokee breed shines through (color),
and thus my spirit lives
I am
Cherokee ...
h soft whispers of Scottish, Irish, English, French....
...connecting me subtly with the others.)

My gifts of mind and instinct are intact,
awake or awakening and married,
often quarreling yet striving for communion.

I do struggle, however with memory,
episodic memory, names, dates, details, procedure

... We all must struggle with something.
My hippocampus must be shot:
A war wound, I suppose,
perhaps from a combination of sensitivity and stress (trauma).
Life can be a kind of war at times.

Life is also an adventure.
Getting a foothold here and there can be troublesome.
And though
I write fluently, I often struggle to speak.
I am often stricken wit
h silence or stammering.
his has been so most of my life, less so in later years.
Perhaps the problem lies in the translation
from configural and metaporical right brain idea
to linear and literal left brain speech.

Perhaps it is an iteration (transferring back and forth) problem:
information lost in tranportation
across the corpus callosum (neural bridge).
And/or perhaps it is due to loss during right to left
and t
he incongruity of the two (like oil and water).
Patience please. Let me speak!

Imagination is the ocean I swim in.
Freedom is the air lifting the wings of my mind.
I am a Jeffersonian,
a left leaning libertarian,
old style Democratic-Republican,
clinging to the Enlightenment and Liberty
...for dear life.

Liberty or nothing!
It looks like I may also be a democratic socialist,
Or a social anarchist.
At times I am on board as progressive Democrat.

But that is about me
...and those right brainers who lean to the political left.
We should not all be forced into either political mold.
We do not live in a capitalist country
(as PR drives us to believe),
Nor should socialism be imposed.
It is supposed to be a FREE country.
We should be able to co-exist in peace and liberty
...each living according to our own natural patterns
...within protected bounds of inalienable individual rights
...and t
he rights of Nature.

About half of the human race leans
to the experiential right brain (left wing)
...and half to the material left brain (
right wing).
You'll never c
hange the spots on those leopards.
Within those camps there are poles
of autonomy (cerebral) and dependence (limbic),
...all developmentally influenced, in my opinion.
The phenomenon yields its reflection in
...a political compass of dialectical dichotomies

...inherent in the
HBDI measure of brain dominance
and Carl Jung's four functions, as seen in the MBTI.
The resolution:
Full development of potential (Fromm).
harmonization and cooperation
transcendence of dialectical dichotomies (Jung)
...yielding generative creativity versus consumptive
Accept and protect diversity: Live in peace.
(Black Elk's Vision.)
(These concepts are the passion of my soul.)

Creation thrives on freedom;
otherwise it smothers.
I am anti-authoritarianism.
Authoritarianism is a most vile human attitude,
utterly snuffing out
and often breeding t
he nefarious Lucifer effect.
(Check out

Legitimate authority,
democratically established (and answerable),
within t
he bounds of inalienable and supreme
individual human rights
can be a necessary tool.
As is t
he case with most isms,
authoritarianism is a weapon of tyranny.
Tyranny is always T
he Enemy.
So I learned near t
he heartbeat
of Jefferson and the American Revolution,
in public school in Virginia, lon
g ago.

I march to the beat of a different drummer, deliberately,

as the creative ones invariably do.
I think for myself.
I think, therefore I am not anyone else.

Who are you?
Someone else, surely.
Let me disentangle my mind for a moment
and explore t
he wonders of your world.

We are similar in many ways, yet delightfully different!

Cells differentiate to combine, synchronize and form the gestalt
...yet another differentiation within a whole universe
...within universes.
Vive le difference!
One for all...All for one!

I am open to suggestion
(food for thought).
Conversation welcomed.

Mitakuye Oyasin.

1 comment:

  1. from a site "":

    'Again and again they must leave the people they regard as their own, and must go on elsewhere, and that without ever stopping. Surely this world is unprotected and helpless, and like a wheel it turns round and round.'

    What would I like? I want a new name, and to be validated. I want to find a place where I am wanted, and not cast out into the darkness. I want to be baptized into a tribe of warriors and lovers, where my skills can be appreciated.


    Kind regards,
